Astilbe Show filters Hide filters Catalog Wholesale Growers (78) Retail (2) Clear selection (1) Singular Unit Bare Root (78) Clear selection Bloom Height 12" / 30 cm (4) 16" / 40 cm (4) 16” / 45 cm (2) 18" / 45 cm (12) 20" / 50 cm (10) 20-24” / 50-60 cm (2) 22" / 55 cm (6) 24" / 60 cm (16) 28" / 70 cm (6) 30" / 75 cm (6) 34" / 85 cm (4) 36" / 90 cm (2) 45” / 125 cm (2) More Clear selection Light Requirements Shade (78) Partial Shade (78) Clear selection Bloom Time Blooms early season (78) Clear selection Size 2/3 (76) 3-5EY (2) Clear selection Packaged in 25 (39) 125 (39) Clear selection Zone 3 (78) 4 (78) 5 (78) 6 (78) 7 (78) 8 (78) More Clear selection Uses Cut Flower Deer Resistant (78) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Spring (78) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 24 of 78 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: 1234 Next Astilbe Black Pearls PBR | 125 pceLavender colored heavy flower plums on strong sturdy stemsCurrently not available starting from $ 255.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Black Pearls PBR | 25 pceLavender colored heavy flower plums on strong sturdy stemsCurrently not available starting from $ 58.50WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Bridal Veil | 125 pceLuminous pure white flowers on vivid green foliage, ideal variety for container planting.Currently not available starting from $ 220.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Bridal Veil | 25 pceLuminous pure white flowers on vivid green foliage, ideal variety for container planting.Currently not available starting from $ 49.50WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Cappuccino PBR | 125 pceWhite plumes on contrasting red stems. Dark bronze folliage changing to dark green after flowering time.Currently not available starting from $ 290.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Cappuccino PBR | 25 pceWhite plumes on contrasting red stems. Dark bronze folliage changing to dark green after flowering time.Currently not available starting from $ 67.00WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Color Flash PBR | 125 pceCurrently not available starting from $ 295.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Color Flash PBR | 25 pceCurrently not available starting from $ 68.00WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Delft Lace PBR | 125 pceShowy pink flowers on deep red stems, glossy green foliage edged red, attractive all season.Currently not available starting from $ 315.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Delft Lace PBR | 25 pceShowy pink flowers on deep red stems, glossy green foliage edged red, attractive all season.Currently not available starting from $ 73.00WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Deutschland | 125 pceWhite loose flower spikes above lush green foliage.Currently not available starting from $ 220.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Deutschland | 25 pceWhite loose flower spikes above lush green foliage.Currently not available starting from $ 49.50WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Elisabeth van Veen | 125 pceVibrant raspberry plumes on red stems. Red tinged glossy green foliage. One of the best varieties for container growing.Currently not available starting from $ 227.50WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Elisabeth van Veen | 25 pceVibrant raspberry plumes on red stems. Red tinged glossy green foliage. One of the best varieties for container growing.Currently not available starting from $ 51.50WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Fanal | 125 pceDark red flowers above dark greenbronze leaves. Great landscaping plant.Currently not available starting from $ 227.50WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Fanal | 25 pceDark red flowers above dark greenbronze leaves. Great landscaping plant.Currently not available starting from $ 51.50WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Fireworks Pink PBR | 125 pceArching sprays of dense coral-pink flowers, compact growing habit.Currently not available starting from $ 295.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Fireworks Pink PBR | 25 pceArching sprays of dense coral-pink flowers, compact growing habit.Currently not available starting from $ 67.00WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Fireworks White PBR | 125 pceCompact growing habit, arching white flower stems.Currently not available starting from $ 295.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Fireworks White PBR | 25 pceCompact growing habit, arching white flower stems.In stock starting from $ 67.00WishlistMore info Order now 2/3 25 Astilbe Go-Go Red | 125 pceGood re-blooming variety, purplish-red dense flower spikes.Currently not available starting from $ 307.50WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Go-Go Red | 25 pceGood re-blooming variety, purplish-red dense flower spikes.Currently not available starting from $ 70.50WishlistMore info 2/3 25 Astilbe Hennie Graafland | 125 pcePink flower plumes over crisp dark green foliage. Taller version of Astilbe Sprite.Currently not available starting from $ 220.00WishlistMore info 2/3 125 Astilbe Hennie Graafland | 25 pcePink flower plumes over crisp dark green foliage. Taller version of Astilbe Sprite.Currently not available starting from $ 49.50WishlistMore info 2/3 25 1234 Next